CA Patent: CA-41,781
Pipe Wrenches
Donough Charles Watters (exact or similar names) - Ottawa, ON Canada |
Oramel Charles Stanley (exact or similar names) - New York, NY |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jan. 18, 1893 |
Granted: |
Jan. 30, 1893 |
Patent Pictures:
Oramel C. Stanley and Donough C. Watters patent January 30, 1893 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Stan Schulz Search Canadian Patents 1869-1894 Canadian patent no. 41,781 in FLICKR 41,781 in Canadian Patents Database
Description: |
A spring-loaded pawl at the base of the movable jaw holds the adjustment. A second spring provides "give" for the pipe gripping jaw component.
Donough Watters' name only appears on the cover sheet.
U.S. patent no. 516,661 is for the same design with slightly different details for the rack teeth and handle. U.S. patent no. 517,074 (March 27, 1894) is for an evolution from this design. |