CA Patent: CA-18
Improvements on screw wrenches
James Fortune Cass (exact or similar names) - L'Orignal, ON Canada |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jul. 07, 1869 |
Granted: |
Aug. 24, 1869 |
Patent Pictures:
James Fortune Cass patent August 24, 1869 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Stan Schulz Search Canadian Patent 1869-1894 18 in Canadian Patents Database
Description: |
The title is misleading. The patent describes a double-ended adjustable "s" wrench with the adjustment held by a ratchet pawl. The external form resembles the "Baxter" adjustable "S" wrench (U.S. Pat. no. 84,605 issued Dec. 1, 1868.) |