CA Patent: CA-1,477
Improvement in stave machines
Charles Murdock (exact or similar names) - Sarnia, ON Canada |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
May 27, 1872 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Jeff Joslin
Description: |
"My said invention consists in pivoting the reciprocating vibratory table with its head-blocks at a point within the diameter of the saw that will cause the saw to cut a transverse circular on the outside of the stave to conform to the outside diameter of the barrel or cask when completed, and it further consists in the means used for imparting a vibratory motion to the table and the combination of such devices with other devices for feeding the blocks to the saw at each reciprocation or vibration of the carriage or table that supports the block, and determines the thickness of the stave." |