US Patent: 335,986
Frank Armstrong (exact or similar names) - Bridgeport, CT |
Nathaniel W. Vandegrift (exact or similar names) - Bridgeport, CT |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jun. 24, 1885 |
Granted: |
Feb. 09, 1886 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
F. Armstrong and N.W. Vandegrift patent February 9, 1886 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
A thumb lever at the base of the movable jaw lifts a toothed clamping block inside the jaw. The teeth engage fine teeth on the face of the main bar. Contrast this construction to "Atwater's Tiger" (patent no. 284,162) where the jaw is held by the cam action of an eccentric disk.
The specifications note Armstrong's previous patent (no. 274,544).
The British equivalent patent GB-188601870 was registered Febr. 9, 1886.
The design appears in a 1903 Armstrong Mfg. Co. dvertisement; a known example has part of the markings visible. |