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US Patent: 659,293
Richard F. Downey (exact or similar names) - Menominee, MI

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : alligator wrenches

Richard F. Downey - Menominee, MI
Mathew A. Burns - Menominee, MI
Albert Dudly - Menominee, MI

Dudly Wrench Co. - Menominee, MI
Dudly Tool Co. - Menominee, MI

C. Edna Joslin
O. B. Baruzegro
Lewis D. Eastman
Stella C. Bourion

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 16, 1900
Granted: Oct. 09, 1900

Patent Pictures:
Richard F. Downey patent Oct. 9, 1900 , with 11inch DUDLY WRENCH CO. pipe wrench - Russ Marshall collection
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The patent is for an alligator wrench with a sliding toothed jaw face.

The wrench also received Canadian patent no. 75,447 on April 8, 1902.

This design was quickly superseded by an adjustable version -- pat. no 669,742.

Known example is 11 inches long.

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