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US Patent: 5,245,755
Force-Multiplying Mechanism
Bert Krivec (exact or similar names) - Waukesha, WI

USPTO Classifications:
30/189, 30/190, 30/242, 30/251

Tool Categories:

Snap-On Tools Corp. - Kenosha, WI

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 02, 1992
Granted: Sep. 21, 1993

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USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Snap-On Tools Company History
Emrich & Dithmar - patent attorneys


A force-multiplying device includes a base or stationary structure and three levers all pivotally mounted on the base and each having a force input end and a force output end and being arranged in a folded configuration such that each lever extends from the force input and to the force output end thereof in a direction generally opposite to that of adjacent levers in the series. The pivot point of each lever is closer to its force output end than to its force input end so that the force delivered at the output end is greater than that applied at the input end. The base and the output lever may operate as a pair of opposed jaws, each carrying a removable force application device for different applications such as cutting, crimping, punching, lifting and spreading. The input lever and the base structure may be configured as handles of a hand-operated tool and the levers may be arranged to either open or close the jaws in response to movement of the handles together.

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