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US Patent: 191,026
Tool For Tightening and Fastening Straps For Securing Hose To Coupling
John A. Caldwell (exact or similar names) - Boston, MA

USPTO Classifications:
285/252, 29/268, 59/29, 81/9.3

Tool Categories:


J. A. Caldwell - Boston, MA

W. J. Cambridge
J. E. Cambridge
N. W. Stearns

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 19, 1877
Granted: May 22, 1877

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
John A. Caldwell patent May 22, 1877
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The tool is a pliers that is pivoted to expand the jaws when the handles are squeezed. It is designed to work with strap type hose clamps patented by Samuel Adlam, Jr. and assigned to John Caldwell (pat. no. 190,728). Caldwell Hose Straps and these pliers appear in hardware catalogs well into the 20th Century.

Caldwell patented another version to work with a single strand wire clamp later in 1877. (Patent no. 197,717).

The 1877 Boston Directory lists two addresses for Caldwell; we assume one was a business address.

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