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US Patent: D29,520
Wrench Frame
Charles H. Metz (exact or similar names) - Waltham, MA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components
wrenches : bicycle or pocket wrenches



Frank G. Parker
Frank G. Hattie
W. Stanley Campbell
H. J. Miller

Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 22, 1898
Granted: Oct. 18, 1898

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Charles H. Metz Patent October 18, 1898
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The square stud on the back angle of the fixed jaw is the prominent feature of this design. The stud feature appears on at least two bicycle wrenches of the period. One is marked only PAT*D OCT 18, 1898. The other is a variant of the Schrader Adjustable Wrench and Spanner based on pat. nos. 582,238 and 644,033.

A correspondent has called attention to the ORIENT cycle, produced by Waltham Mfg. Co. (Metz was one of the founders), which used "countersunk square socket headed" bolts for seat adjustment, etc.

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