US Patent: 651,220
Pipe Wrench
Amos W. Warnock (exact or similar names) - Boston, MA |
USPTO Classifications: |
81/64 |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Sep. 23, 1899 |
Granted: |
Jun. 05, 1900 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2 | 3
Amos W. Warnock Patent June 5, 1900 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz WARNOCK strap wrench (1902 description) - (FLICKR)
Description: |
The WARNOCK uses a fabric strap to bind around pipe. This provides a non-marring wrench for bright finish or soft metal pipe. These were kept in production for many years. A "new old stock" example produced by the Lowell Wrench Co., Worcester, Mass. was found in its original box, with instruction card.
Many extant examples include the "triple wear" modification from Peter Monahan's Feb. 18, 1919 patent (no. 1,294,515).
In the fall of 1902, WARNOCK published a letter threatening civil action against the maker and users of the ROCO strap wrench. In reply, W.H. Rawe noted impending receipt of patent no. 714,610 and threatened civil action. |