US Patent: RE2,283
Pipe Wrench Improvement in Pipe-Tongs
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Jun. 12, 1866 |
Reissue Information: |
Reissue of 19,842 (Apr. 06, 1858) |
Patent Pictures:
Allan Beach, Assignee of Henry H. Gilmore, Pat. June 12. 1866 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
The adjustment of this pipe-tongs is held by the wedge action of a tapered thrust washer bearing against the tapered thickness of the bearing surface surrounding the slot in which the pivot moves.
Beach's late 1860s ads show pipe tongs resembling "Brown's" (pat. no. 22,157). |