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US Patent: RE11,868
William Alexander Bernard (exact or similar names) - New Haven, CT

USPTO Classifications:
81/417, 81/426.5, 81/427.5

Tool Categories:

William Schollhorn Co. - New Haven, CT

William Schollhorn Co. - New Haven, CT

John J. Henderson
Samuel H. Fisher
F. Philip Farnsworth
George W. Adam

Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 22, 1896
Granted: Nov. 06, 1900

Reissue Information:
Reissue of 526,479 (Sep. 25, 1894)

Patent Pictures:
William A. Bernard Pat. Nov. 6, 1900
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
LODI , PARAGON pliers (1897 Strellinger catalog)
The patent is for a pliers formed from a pair of steel stampings. It includes a return spring inside the handles. The specifications note parallel foreign patents.

Wm. Schollhorn Co. produced a lower priced LODI pliers and a higher priced PARAGON pliers based on the original patent and this reissue. The patent dates appear on Bernard PARAGON Reservoir Ticket Punches.

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