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US Patent: 62,062
Pipe Tongs and Cutter
John Peace (exact or similar names) - Camden, NJ

USPTO Classifications:
81/155, 81/180.1, 81/388

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pipe wrenches : pipe tongs
combination tools


Camden Tool and Tube Works - Camden, NJ

James M. Cassady
Frank Boardman
F. A. Jackson
J. A. Service

Patent Dates:
Granted: Feb. 12, 1867

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
John Peace patent February 12, 1867
USPTO (New site tip)
Google Patents
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
This pipe tongs has an adjustable head for the pipe wrench function, and an add-on bridle to hold the sharp corner of the head in line to form a pipe cutter. The specifications have some notable errors, including blanks for the month and date of the application.

An 1870 ad from CAMDEN TOOL and TUBE WORKS includes several of PEACE's patent tools in the list of products. PEACE'S PATENT PIPE TONGS in four sizes appears in an 1877 hardware wholesaler's catalog.

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