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US Patent: 916,951
Harry Jeffrey (exact or similar names) - Louisville, KY

USPTO Classifications:
81/119, 81/124.2, 81/125.1

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components

Ohio Malleable Iron Co. - Columbus, OH

Not known to have been produced

F. F. Hoeffle
Ferd. H. Heywood

Patent Dates:
Applied: May 19, 1908
Granted: Mar. 30, 1909

Patent Pictures:
Harry Jeffrey Pat. March 30, 1909
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This patent is a "special case" of the principal Jeffrey patented in pat. no. 873437 -- reissue no. RE12854. The "family" of patents also includes no. 916952. In this patent, wrench jaw grooves are cut into the heads at right angles to the shank, with the two grooves on each head diametrically opposed. They form a wrench that can fit four sizes, with a hex socket in the center of each head. The JEFFREY LOCK=JAW wrench has its wrench slots angled like the earlier patent.

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