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US Patent: 130,278
Improvement in Pipe-Tongs
William Campbell (exact or similar names) - Quincy, IL

USPTO Classifications:
81/178, 81/185.1, 81/423

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pipe wrenches : pipe tongs
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components


Bay State Iron Works - Erie, PA

William N. Rentfrow
Thomas T. Woodruff
A. Ruppert
E. A. Newman

Patent Dates:
Granted: Aug. 06, 1872

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
William Campbell patent August 6, 1872
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The patent is for a hard "die" which could be rotated to present new wearing faces, for multiple pivot holes and a movable bolt for the pivot, and for a slotted handle which can partially enclose the second handle.

A known example marked "ACME PIPE TONGS PAT. AUG. 6. 1872" includes features shown in C. H. Lovrien's November 9, 1880 patent (no. 234,304). Manufacturer identified from a mention in the 1884 "History of Erie County," which notes the Bay State Iron Company produced the ACME CUBE PIPE TONGS. By the late 1870s, Noble, Hall & Co. owned the Bay State Iron Co., which had originally been founded by Lovrien.

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