US Patent: 55,100
Improvement In Screw-Wrenches Nut Wrench
John Hegarty (exact or similar names) - Jersey City, NJ |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
May 29, 1866 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
John Hegarty patent May 29, 1866 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz Hagerty's Basin Wrench (FLICKR)
Description: |
The patent explicitly explains the wrench's intended use as a basin wrench.
It received a writeup in the June 8, 1866 ENGLISH MECHANIC AND MIRROR OF SCIENCE. Listed in an 1877 hardware wholesale catalog as "BASIN WRENCH." Van Wagoner & Williams, Mfrs (New York City) appears in an 1879 ad. Appears in a 1903 hardware catalog as "common basin wrench." |