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US Patent: 531,114
Combined Hinge-Gage and Square
Albert D. Goodell (exact or similar names) - Worcester, MA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
layout tools : marking gauges : butt gauges


Goodell Tool Co. - Worcester, MA
Goodell-Pratt Co - Greenfield, MA
Millers Falls Co. - Millers Falls, MA

Charles H. Burleigh
Ella P. Blenus
George M. Nice, 2nd

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 09, 1893
Granted: Dec. 18, 1894

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Ralph Brendler
This gage is very similar in concept to the Fulton's Patent, (386,428) but instead of using alternately sharpened points to set the gain, it uses an adjustable point. This allows the gain to be varied at will (again, not a terribly useful feature, but interesting).

The big breakthrough on this tool was to make it of metal, and make the sides perfectly perpendicular to the edges. This allows this tool to be used as a simple square, allowing the craftsman to mark the sides of the butt mortise as well as the back. This feature, combined with the compact and sturdy nature of the tool, made it an instant hit with users.

This tool was originally produced by the Goodell Tool Company, which later became Goodell-Pratt. In the early twentieth century, the Miller's Falls Company bought Goodell-Pratt, and continued production of this tool under the Miller's Falls name until sometime around WW-II.

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