US Patent: 52,715
Pipe Cutter Improved Tool for Cutting Gas-Pipes, etc.
William S. Howarth (exact or similar names) - New Haven, CT |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Feb. 20, 1866 |
Patent Pictures:
patent 52,715 - edited image |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz Saunders et al v. Allen (1894)
Description: |
Three in-line disc shaped cutters located at corners of an isosceles triangle. Two are fixed, and the third is in an adjustable block. A late 19th Century commentator called the BARNES three-wheel pipe cutter [viz. patent 282,435] an Improved version of the Howarth, implying it had been produced and used in the trade.
The earliest of three patents cited in [Saunders et. al v. Allen} in which the courts found the 2nd claim of RE10,021 void for lack of novelty.
An illustration for the "pipe cutter" entry in the 1876 edition of Knight's Mechanical Dictionary shows a Howarth three-wheel pipe cutter. |