US Patent: RE5,294
Lucius Jordan (exact or similar names) - Southington, CT |
Leander E. Smith (exact or similar names) - Southington, CT |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Feb. 25, 1873 |
Reissue Information: |
Reissue of RE3,852 (Feb. 22, 1870) |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
Jordan & Smith - Collins Co. Reissue Pat. Feb. 25, 1873 |
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Stan Schulz Collins Co. v. COES et al ( starts toward bottom of page) Collins Co. v. COES et al ( 1889 )
Description: |
The "strain" of a monkey wrench adjusting screw is transferred to the main bar by a "step" held solid to the bar by a nut. This patent was the subject of protracted litigation between the Collins Company, Loring Coes, and A.G. Coes and Co. The extended description and claims in the specifications (compared to the text of the original patent & first reissue) reflect the opening rounds of this litigation. The patent was ultimately found void for want of novelty by the U.S. Supreme Court in March, 1889. |