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US Patent: 294,452
Band-saw machine
Wallace H. Dodge (exact or similar names) - Mishawaka, IN

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : bandsaws : band sawmills
woodworking machines : woodworking machine parts or accessories : woodworking machine safety guards
woodworking machines : sawmills : band sawmills


Dodge Mfg. Co. - Mishawaka, IN
London, Berry & Orton - Philadelphia, PA

Charles Endlich
Will W. Dodge

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jul. 05, 1883
Granted: Mar. 04, 1884

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Vintage Machinery entry for Dodge Mfg. Co.
Vintage Machinery entry for London, Berry & Orton
This safety device that catches the blade when it runs off the wheel was seen on page 188 of the 1888 London, Berry & Orton catalog, as their "Independence Band-Saw Catcher", and it is claimed that "Saving a saw once or twice frequently pays for the Catcher" in avoiding blade damage.

The inventor was owner of the Dodge Mfg. Co., makers of wood specialties and wood pulleys. In 1884 they were manufacturing only the "Dodge Independence Wood Split Pulley" (the use of the "Independence" name for both the saw catcher and the pulley provides some evidence that the catcher may actually have been manufactured by Dodge and was merely sold by London, Berry & Orton). By 1890 Dodge Mfg. Co. were making a more complete line of power transmission equipment. By 1902 their manufacturing facilities covered over 64 acres and 40 buildings. And in 1894 Lyman O. Orton of London, Berry & Orton had a patent assigned to Dodge: see patent 530,715.

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