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US Patent: 170,658
Improvement in Shears for Sheet and Plate Metal
Berridge Double Cutting Shears
Thomas Berridge (exact or similar names) - Sturgis, MI

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : shears
metalworking tools : sheet metal tools


Berridge Double Cutting Shear Co. - Sturgis, MI

William McLoughlin
E. W. Pendleton

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 11, 1875
Granted: Dec. 07, 1875

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
patent 170,658 - edited from Patent Gazette
USPTO (New site tip)
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A single cutting jaw works in a slotted "double jaw" so the cut removes a thin strip. This facilitates cutting sheet or plate metal, thin metal pipe, etc. as the handles remain clear of the metal surface.

Produced as the BERRIDGE DOUBLE CUTTING SHEARS at Sturgis, MI [along with supplemental crimping jaws patented (no. 594,225) by Philip W. Berridge ] until after the latter's death in 1909, and subsequently by P.S.& W. (and imitators) for years thereafter.

Canadian patent CA-5,953 was granted April 10, 1876.

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