US Patent: 167,368
Improvement in Pipe-Wrenches
George W. Waitt (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jun. 16, 1875 |
Granted: |
Aug. 31, 1875 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
George W. Waitt Pat. Aug. 31, 1875 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz FLANAGAN's SAMSON WRENCH at 1876 Philadelphia International Exposition
Description: |
One of the basic alligator wrench patents. Displayed at the 1876 Philadelphia International Exposition (that maker's name is variously spelled Flanigan, Flanagan, Flanagin ).. used by American Saw Co, Roebling, etc. for the traditional No. 1 alligator wrench which remained in production into the 1920s, as well as for larger sizes.
Waitt devised an improvement to this wrench which received pat. no. 1,041,707 on Oct. 15, 1912. |