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US Patent: 4,899,445
Hand-Held Ratchet Tool for Moving a Pair of Jaw Members Toward and Away From Each Other
Robert S. Erbrick (exact or similar names) - Danboro, Bucks County, PA
Manfred E. Strohecker (exact or similar names) - Doylestown, Bucks County, PA
Joseph E. Erbrick, Jr. (exact or similar names) - Chalfont, Bucks County, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : shears

Electroline Co. - Danboro, Bucks County, PA

Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: May 23, 1989
Granted: Feb. 13, 1990

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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A hand-held ratchet tool for moving a pair of jaw members toward and away from each other. The tool comprises a first and second elongated handle, each having a first end and a second end. The second end of the first handle is pivotally connected to the second end of the second handle. The tool further comprises a first jaw member pivotally mounted on the second end of the first handle and an elongate linkage having a first end pivotally mounted on the second end of the second handle and having a second end. The second end of the linkage, the first jaw member and a second jaw member are all pivotally connected along a common pivot axis. The second jaw member includes a plurality of ratchet teeth for receiving a pawl. A pawl is pivotally mounted on the second end of the second handle along the same axis as the pivotal connection between the elongate linkage and the second handle. The pawl has a first set of ratchet teeth and a second set of ratchet teeth alternatively biased into engagement with the ratchet teeth of the second jaw member for alternatively driving the second jaw member toward and away from the first jaw member. A thumb member operatively associated with the pawl for selectively biasing either the first set of pawl ratchet teeth or said second set of pawl ratchet teeth into engagement with the ratchet teeth of the second jaw member is provided for selecting the direction in which the jaw members move with respect to each other when said handles are pivoted relevant to each other. The tool further comprises a mechanism mounted on the first handle for limiting the relative movement of the first handle with respect to the second handle and, thus, the relative movement of the first jaw member with respect to the second jaw member. This mechanism restricts the stroke of the handle members to the area wherein the greatest cutting force is achieved.


A hand-held ratchet tool for moving a pair of jaw members toward and away from each other, said hand-held ratchet tool comprising: a first elongated handle having a first end and a second end; a second elongated handle having a first end and a second end, said second end of said first handle being pivotally connected to said second end of said second handle; a first jaw member pivotally mounted on said second end of said first handle; an elongate linkage having a first end pivotally mounted on said second end of said second handle and having a second end; a second jaw member including a plurality of ratchet teeth, said second end of said linkage, said first jaw member and said second jaw member all being pivotally connected along a common pivot axis; drive means mounted on said second end of said second handle and drivingly connected to said ratchet teeth for driving said second jaw member with respect to said first jaw member when said first and second handles are moved with respect to each other.

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