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US Patent: 2,082,092
Auxiliary Gear Mechanism
Abner D. Baker (exact or similar names) - Swanton, Fulton County, OH

USPTO Classifications:
251/229, 74/832

Tool Categories:
transportation : railroads : railroad locomotives : steam engine valve gear


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 14, 1935
Granted: Jun. 01, 1937

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"Vintage Machinery" entry for A.D. Baker Company

A valve gear mechanism for steam engines having a driven rotatable member, a driven reciprocable member, and a steam admission and exhaust valve, comprising a combination lever deriving motion at its lower end portion from said reciprocable member and at its upper end portion from said rotatable member, a reciprocable crosshead for said valve, and means including a rockable cam element providing a connection between said crosshead and said combination lever operable to reduce the effective movement of the combination lever during a portion of its travel, and to increase the effective movement thereof during another portion of its travel.

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