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US Patent: 3,775,817
Turning Tool
Karl Hertel (exact or similar names) - Nuernberg, Middle Franconia Region, Barvaria, Germany

USPTO Classifications:
407/101, 407/112, 407/5

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metalworking machine tool holders : insert tool holders


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 11, 1972
Granted: Dec. 04, 1973

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A turning tool which includes a head, to which a cutting edge may be attached, and a mounting for the head such that the principal contact face between the head and the mounting slopes downwardly and towards the forward end of the tool to provide a pressure bearing surface for the pressure transmitted to the head from the cutting edge during operation. In order to help secure the head against sliding motion along this principal contact face an anchoring protuberance is provided on the head to engage in a corresponding recess in the mounting.

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