CA Patent: CA-425,529
Quick action clamps
H. Acton Langslow (exact or similar names) - Rochester, NY |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Feb. 13, 1945 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Carl Matthews Biography of H. Acton Langslow
Description: |
We have seen an example of this clamp, marked "LANGSLOW" on one side and "PAT 3 PEND" on the other. We have not been able to find an equivalent US patent.Henry Acton Langslow (1884-1956) was a former star athlete (football) and WWI veteran who belonged to a furniture manufacturing family. After working for chair and desk maker Langslow-Fowler Co., he left in 1922 and established upscale chair maker The Falls Furniture Co., which seems to have been relatively short-lived. Other than a passing mention of his having coached high school football we find little information on his activities after the 1920s. |