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US Patent: 8,831
Machine for jointing shingles
William Stoddard (exact or similar names) - Lowell, MA

USPTO Classifications:
144/120, 144/126, 144/159, 144/161

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : specialty woodworking machines : shingle machines


C. K. Morrill & Co. - Fond du Lac, WI
Bullens & Cooledge - Lowell, MA
McGrath & Havey - Salem, NJ
W. Burt & Son - Kalamazoo, MI

Benjamin C. Piper
Ezra Lincoln

Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 23, 1852

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Vintage Machinery entry for Bullens & Cooledge
Vintage Machinery entry for C. K. Morrill & Co.
Vintage Machinery entry for W. Burt & Son
"My improvements consist, first, in the arrangement by which I am enabled to point the shingle and plane or shave both sides at the same time, this effect being produced by planing knives set in plane stocks moving vertically... I have also made an improvement by which the machine will cut or joint the edges of any width of shingle, the shingle itself serving to regulate the position of the jointing knives..."

The "Stoddard's patent shingle machine" was manufactured by Bullens & Cooledge of Lowell, Massachusetts, and also by C. K. Morrill & Co. of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. It is quite possible that there other licensees: we know of C. K. Morrill & Co. only via an advertising broadside that has somehow survived the intervening 170 years.

An ad in the 1858 Mansfield (Ohio) City Directory reads as follows: "M. P. Howlett, Soap, Candle and Lard Oil Manufactory, Also Agent for Willis Hummiston's Patent Candle Machine, and Stoddard's Patent Riving and Shaving Shingle Machine, for the State of Ohio. Office North Side Third Street, bet. Main and East Diamond, Mansfield, Ohio." We do not know who was manufacturing the machines that Howlett was selling. A factory for processing oil and wax would be not be equipped to manufacture a shingle machine.

From the 1852 Book of the Exhibition for the Annual Exhibition of the Maryland Institute, in Class 35, "Machinery not in other classes": "Patent Shingle Machine, invented by W. Stoddard, made by McGrath & Havey, Salem, N. J., and deposited by Chas. A. Keasly."

November 1853 issue of Michigan Farmer, Volume XI No. 11, pages 332-333, in a report on the Kalamazoo County Fair. "Messrs. W. Burt & Son manufacture for the proprietors, Messrs Fisher, Ransom, Benedict & Johnson, STODDARD'S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE, capable with one horse power of making twenty thousand shingles per day. The shingle bolt is placed in the machine, and without removing is made into shingles of superior quality; the same motion then raises the shingle planes or shaves the previous one, and all so fast that the shingles are constantly dropping a perfect article. This machine way also be graduated so as to raise and plane 1500 headings for barrels in an hour. The machine certainly appears to work admirably and we do not see why it will not be brought into general use."

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