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US Patent: 357,255
Artemus Welsh (exact or similar names) - Scottdale, PA
Elmer Welsh (exact or similar names) - Scottdale, PA

USPTO Classifications:
72/446, 72/451, 74/96

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : forging machines : foot operated hammers


Not known to have been produced

Clark Grazier
R. G. Leeper

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 26, 1886
Granted: Feb. 08, 1887

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
The 1906 book, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Volume II, by John N Boucher, reports that Elmer Welsh was born in 1864, lived in Kansas 1878-1886, then moved to Scottdale "where he was engaged mostly in farming until April, 1904..." Artemus is mentioned only as a brother who was living in Kansas. The two men were co-inventors on patent 424,586 (machine for making railroad spikes) and Artemus was the sole inventor on patent 364,071 (railroad spike).

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