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CA Patent: CA-407,630
Driving control unit for lathes
John T. Hepburn (exact or similar names) - Toronto, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal lathes


John T. Hepburn, Ltd. - Mississauga, ON Canada


Patent Dates:
Granted: Sep. 29, 1942

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"Vintage Machinery" entry for John T. Hepburn, Ltd.
"This invention relates to driving control units for lathes and the like. In a great majority of cases industrial machinery at the present time is driven by electric motors and it is usual to have an electric motor mounted on machine units to drive them. However, in cases where the electric power fails, or where, for instance, such as in time of war, electric power installations have been destroyed, considerable difficulty is experienced since whole plants may be stopped through lack of power for operating the machinery and may be stopped for a considerable period of time... It is an object of the present invention to provide a driving control unit which may be bodily mounted upon industrial machinery in place of the motor so that the machinery may be quickly readjusted to be driven by other power means such as a diesel motor. A further object of the invention is to provide a complete unit of the character referred to incorporating a driving and idler element with a means for readily shifting the transmission from the power source of one to the other..."

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