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GB Patent: GB-182,505,074
Sawing and Cutting Wood and Timber by Machinery
John Greenwood (exact or similar names) - Gomersall, York County, England
George Sayner (exact or similar names) - Hounslett, Leeds Parish, York County, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : circular saws : circular sawmills
woodworking machines : sawmills : circular sawmills




Patent Dates:
Granted: Jan. 11, 1825

Patent Pictures:
The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopædia, 1836, pg. 632
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Patent granted to Messrs. George Sayner and John Greenwood, for improvements in the mode or manner of sawing and cutting wood and timber by machinery. Dated January 11, 1825.

These improvements consist in placing circular saws above and below the timber that is to be sawed, one a little behind the other, so that their edges may pass its central line, and thus cut it quite through.

A number of these saws, placed on the same axis, and separated from each other by flanches of the thickness of the pieces required, are used in this manner to cut several boards at once from one piece of timber; and for cutting scantling there are added, at the sides of the timber, horizontal saws on vertical shafts, arranged in a similar manner.

To rasp log-wood and other dye-woods, a number of circular saws are placed close together on one axis, and their joint action, when used cuts the whore wood into saw-dust. The shape of the teeth of the saws for this last purpose, which the patentee calls the "half diamond" form, presents the figure, when seen sideways, of angles of 45 degrees, one side of which lies in the-line of the radius of the circular saw, and when viewed endways, exhibits the form of so many chevrons (as they are called in the language of heraldry), by which they constitute a number of pointed edges for acting on the wood, similar to a species of chisels used very commonly in turning, and also resembling the points of the common graving tools used in copper-plate engraving.

The apparatus used for moving the timber towards the saws is formed of a number of rollers with axles, placed in a horizontal line, at equal distances asunder, on which the timber is laid. Of these the roller next the saws is moved round by the same machinery which turns the saws, with the lesser degree of speed necessary in impelling the timber. Above this roller and the timber, is placed another horizontal roller, which is made to press the timber against the lower roller by two vertical pieces that ascend from the ends of its axle, across the tops of which another shorter piece is laid, over which a horizontal lever passes that is jointed to a post at one end, and has a weight appended to its other end, which, to give it more power, is three or four times more distant from the crosspiece than is the centre of motion. A large vertical drum wheel is placed above the whole, from which leather bands "or straps, passing to pulleys on the impelling roller, and the shafts of the circular saws give the one the motion requisite for moving on the timber, and the others that for cutting it.

Circular saws have now been so long in use and have been applied to such a number of purposes, that it is scarcely probable any new application of them can remain to be adopted, and open to the exclusive right of a patent.

Repertory of patent inventions, 1825, pgs. 114-116

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