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US Patent: 282,435
Pipe Cutter
Elbridge F. Barnes (exact or similar names) - New Haven, CT

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : pipe cutters


Barnes Tool Co. - New Haven, CT

R. Brown
E. P. Hough
Charles A. Oaks
M. P. Dwyer

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 30, 1883
Granted: Jul. 31, 1883

Patent Pictures:
Elbridge F. Barnes patent July 31, 1883
USPTO (New site tip)
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Three-wheel pipe cutter with the cutters in a cast or malleable frame. The movable jaw is adjusted by a screw. The construction provides ability to cut pipe by a rocking motion of the tool where it is not possible to make a complete rotation of the tool around the pipe. The patent claims the attachment of the adjusting screw to the movable jaw and aspects of the cutter wheels and pivot pins. The cutter wheels and pivot pins were the subject of a second patent (no. 287,899 granted Nov. 6, 1883).

Improved by patent no. 301,080; the tool was produced as the BARNES IMPROVED PIPE CUTTER.

In one of the hearings of Saunders et. al v. Allen, the BARNES pipe cutter was compared to the earlier Howarth patent [52,715].

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