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GB Patent: GB-1,128,612
Improvements in horizontal boring machine tools
Curtis Albert Sparkes (exact or similar names) - Broadheath, Manchester, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : drilling and boring : horizontal boring mills

H. W. Kearns & Co., Ltd. - Broadheath, Manchester, England

H. W. Kearns & Co., Ltd. - Broadheath, Manchester, England


Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 15, 1965
Granted: Sep. 25, 1968

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"Vintage Machinery" entry for H. W. Kearns & Co., Ltd.
"A horizontal boring machine tool comprises a headstock 4 slidable vertically on a vertical column 6 and two cylindrical columns 7 and having a bridge 8 interconnecting the columns 6, 7 above the headstock and having mounted thereon at least one electric motor 15, 20 and transmission means for vertically moving the headstock and feeding and rotating the machine spindle 19. In the embodiment shown, one motor 15 is used to drive a lead screw 16 for vertical movement of the headstock and a second motor 20 is used for rotating and feeding, via gears 21-24 and splined shaft 25 the machine spindle 19. The headstock 4 is counterbalanced hydraulically by chains 10, sprockets 11 and piston and cylinders 9 housed in each column 7."

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