CA Patent: CA-34,572
Combination Tool
August Fromming (exact or similar names) - Hanover, KS |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jun. 04, 1890 |
Granted: |
Jun. 23, 1890 |
Patent Pictures:
August Fromming patent June 23, 1890 - edited from Canadian Patent Office Record and Canadian Patents Database |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Stan Schulz 34,572 in Canadian Patents Database
Description: |
Hammer, hatchet, pincers, saw set and wire cutter combination. "This tool is especially designed for domestic use and for farmers or those engaged in the construction of wire fences .."
Corresponding U.S. patent 405,156 was granted June 11, 1889. |