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US Patent: 600,082
Staple Puller
Willis W. Krutsch (exact or similar names) - Coffeyville, KS

USPTO Classifications:
7/127, 7/137, 81/20

Tool Categories:
combination tools

Willis W. Krutsch - Coffeyville, KS
William Joseph Dunklin - Coffeyville, KS

Not known to have been produced

Wm. H. Hews
Harold J. Shotter
W. A. Myrick
Joseph Banilly
J. M. Hughes

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 03, 1896
Granted: Mar. 01, 1898

Patent Pictures:
Willis W. Krutsch patent March 1, 1898
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The patented feature is the convex face staple grippers extending beyond the line of the hammer poll and claws, and that use the hammer head or claws as a rolling fulcrum.

The drawings show the handle ends shaped as nail claw and screwdriver, and a wire cutter between the jaws but those features are not mentioned in the specifications.

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