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US Patent: 144
Improvement in Scythe-Snaths
Dexter Pierce (exact or similar names) - Montague, MA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : auxiliary wrenches



Edwin H. Rankin
Jonathan Hartwell

Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 11, 1837

Patent Pictures:
Dexter Pierce patent March 11, 1837
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Alden and others v. Dewey and another (starts halfway down the page)
"The nature of my invention consists in constructing all the irons and the nib or thole woods so as to manufacture from less amount of material and labor, with more ease, convenience, facility, and system than that of any other method to me known, thereby enabling the manufacturer to produce the article at a moderate expense, of great durability, convenient in transportation, and in every way suited to convenience in use."

No. 7 in the drawings is a snath wrench.

From the 1886 book, "Federal Decisions, Vol. XXV. Patents, Copyright and Trade-marks", this patent was involved in the following litigation: "Alden v. Dewey, 1 Story, 336." Testimony in that case notes successive assignees, providing evidence scythes based on this patent were produced and sold.

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