US Patent: 23,792
Pipe Cutter
Joseph E. Stanwood (exact or similar names) - Malden, Middlesex County, MA |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Apr. 26, 1859 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz see # 528 at bottom of pg. 202 (Joseph E. Stanwood)
Description: |
This patent is for the rotary cutting wheel type of pipe cutter. It was extensively "reviewed" ca. 1860-1861. Produced for many years, and sometimes noted as the "ordinary pipe cutter." It was referenced in later patent lawsuits.
An 1899 "family history / genealogy" book identifies Joseph E. Stanwood ( 1823-1902 ) within the family genealogy and notes the pipe cutter patent. His older brother Henry had a silversmith / manufacturing business in Boston, and Mr. Stanwood owned substantial real estate in Malden.
Nothing in these sources identifies the manufacturer. |