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US Patent: 1,623X
Machine for roving cotton
Oliver Barrett, Jr. (exact or similar names) - Schaghticoke, NY

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
trade specific : spinner


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Dec. 03, 1811

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. There are no patent drawings available. This patent is in the database for reference only.

A Dr. Thornton held the exclusive rights to sell the machine in VA. The machine was advertised to be able to spin 20 threads at once, but Barrett corrected that assertion, saying instead the machine could hold "any number of spindles." He priced the machine at $50 with 12 spindles and $2 for every additional spindle. Thomas Jefferson bought one from William Thornton with 12 spindles. The feeding frame of the machine worked similar to a "common roving jack." Jefferson sketched two small parts of the machine in a letter to William Thornton because he couldn't figure out their purpose.

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