US Patent: 239,972
Reducing Socket Ratchet Nut Wrench
John A. Miller (exact or similar names) - St. Charles, MO |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jan. 25, 1881 |
Granted: |
Apr. 12, 1881 |
Patent Pictures:
John A. Miller Pat. April 12, 1881 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
An extended lip on the ratchet pawl serves to hold the ratchet head in the frame. The patent provides for insertable sleeves to adjust for different nut sizes. The patent also addresses the shape and operation of the ratchet pawl.
A known example from a Kansas City area collection marked with dates for this patent and subsequent patent nos. 243,942, and 253,549 probably is MILLER'S REDUCING WRENCH which Miller began marketing in 1891 along with MILLER'S VEHICLE WRENCH (see patent nos. CA-35,643, 445,451 and 485,290 for MILLER'S VEHICLE WRENCH features). |