US Patent: 171,982
Pipe-Wrench Improvement in Pipe Tongs or Wrenches
Joseph Browning (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA |
USPTO Classifications: |
81/96 |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Sep. 27, 1875 |
Granted: |
Jan. 11, 1876 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
Joseph Browning Pat. January 11, 1876 |
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Description: |
The patent is for the toothed wheel on a movable carriage forming the movable jaw in conjunction with the rack teeth on the main bar. The patent described a self-adjusting form with a compression spring connecting the jaw carriage to the main bar, and a screw-adjust form with a long adjusting screw extending to the end of the handle.
An 1877 listing shows Gillis, Morison & Co. (Boston) as manufacturer of "Browning Self-Adjusting Pipe Tong Wrench." "An 1877 W.C. DUYCKINCK (New York) supply catalog shows the "self-adjusting" wrench in 4 sizes, identified as "MARSHALL PATENT PIPE TONGS." The illustration shows a malleable iron frame / handle section for the wrench.
Browning received November 30, 1897 patent (no. 594,775) for "V" shaped gripping groves in the face of the gripping roller.
A Dec. 29, 1898 "IRON AGE" listing advertises this wrench as being brought to market by the Bonney Vise and Tool Works; it is the "pull the jaw back against a compression spring to adjust" type. |