US Patent: 59,582
Wrench Improvement in Pipe-Tongs
Moses H. Freeman (exact or similar names) - Somerville, MA |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Nov. 13, 1866 |
Patent Pictures:
Moses H. Freeman Pat. Nov. 13, 1866 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
One of a series of grooves in shank with the "hook" jaw engages a tooth adjacent to the "tooth" jaw to adjust the size of this pipe tongs. A clasp piece holds the two levers together, and makes it easy to take them apart for sharpening.
FREEMAN"S PIPE TONGS (no illustration) appears in the 1870 WALWORTH catalog / price list adjacent to the price list for FREEMAN's PIPE CUTTER [viz patents 74,527 and 116,210]. |