US Patent: 768,324
Richard A. Breul (exact or similar names) - Bridgeport, CT |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Dec. 29, 1903 |
Granted: |
Aug. 23, 1904 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2 | 3
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Steve Gosselin
Description: |
This patent specifies a new and cheaper way of manufacturing squares like the Fox patent (#331,047 - 8/3/1885) which had run out by this time, which stiffens the back to make the tool more robust. This patent was used Try Squares as well.This patent was later improved by the same inventor with patents #1,374,815 and #1,374,816.
Known examples marked with this patent date, the 1904 patent date, and Challenge Cutlery Corp. |