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RX Patent: RX-38
Improvement in the Screw Wrenches
Solyman Merrick (exact or similar names) - Springfield, MA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : nut wrenches


Bemis & Call - Springfield, MA

Lorenzo Norton
R. A. Chapman

Patent Dates:
Granted: May 17, 1842

Reissue Information:
Reissue of 9,030X (Aug. 17, 1835)
Reissued as RE207 (Nov. 25, 1851)

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Merrick Patent reissue May 17, 1842
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
First reissue of Merrick patent 9030X issued Aug. 17, 1835. This is the first screw adjust nut wrench patented in the U.S. The internally threaded adjusting nut engages thread cut on the shank of the wrench. The nut is fastened to the sliding jaw by a strap. The patent was extended 7 years from 14 May 1849 ; Renewed 2nd time 25 November 1851. RE207

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