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US Patent: 141,739
Improvement in log-turners
John Torrent (exact or similar names) - Muskegon, MI

USPTO Classifications:
414/757, 414/783, 83/708

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : sawmills : sawmill log handling


Not known to have been produced

William McLaughlin
John J. O'Leary

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 29, 1873
Granted: Aug. 12, 1873

Reissue Information:
Reissued as RE9,291 (Jul. 13, 1880)

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This patent was a significant improvement on Esau Tarrant's patent 81,432, which was the first power log turner for a sawmill; Torrent and Tarrant were brothers. Torrent's improvement added the ability to pull the log up onto the sawmill. But before this patent was granted, Alexander Rodgers, who owned Tarrant's patent, applied for a reissue of that patent, which was granted as RE5,487, and which expanded the patent to include Torrent's improvement. Rodgers then sued the Torrent & Arms Lumber Co. for infringement. The case went all the way to the US Supreme Court which ruled against Rodgers and chastised him for making a "radical change" to the original patent in the reissue.

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