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GB Patent: GB-191,019,234
Improved Wrench
Max Nolden (exact or similar names) - Solingen, Germany
Paul Meyer (exact or similar names) - Solingen, Germany

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components


H. Wilke - Remscheid, Germany

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 16, 1910
Granted: Jun. 21, 1911
Antedated: Aug. 16, 1910

Patent Pictures:
Max Nolden and Paul Meyer patent Aug. 16, 1910 (edited)
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
REXOS Spanner
"This invention relates to an improved wrench of ratchetlike action, of which the novelty consists in that the open key of the same engages a six-cornered nut on five sides and that any spring or auxiliary means are omitted."

The design was patented in several countries, e.g. Germany [DE-230568], Canada [CA-130472], U.S.A. [1,015,504], and Austria [AT-62039].

Produced / distributed in the U.K. as the REXOS Spanner.

Known examples bear markings indicating production in Germany, France, etc. A November 16, 1911 AMERICAN MACHINIST article identifies a German manufacturer and U.S. import agent. 1913 mentions in German trade publications and subsequent ads identify the German manufacturer - H. Wilke & Co., Remscheid.

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