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CA Patent: CA-7,502
Improvements on Plough Clevises
Clark Robinson (exact or similar names) - Eau Claire, WI

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
agricultural : clevises


Not known to have been produced

William H. Ellis

Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 01, 1877

Patent Pictures:
Canadian patent 7502 - edited drawing
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Canadian patent 7502 in ESPACENET
The patent describes an "inner" clevis with notches that serve to set "side draft" in conjunction with a spur on the inner face of the "outer" clevis. The "outer" clevis also has a slot with notches, and a link with one flattened side which forms the "depth" adjustment. The form shown in the drawings includes a two-part mounting sleeve to attach the clevis to an iron plow beam.

Underlying U.S. patent 188,413 shows the design adapted to a wooden plow beam, and an example of that form is known. A further refinement of this design received U.S. patent 201,837.

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