CA Patent: CA-1,135
Improvements in socket-wrenches Cass' Ready Wrench
James Fortune Cass (exact or similar names) - L'Orignal, ON Canada |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jul. 28, 1871 |
Granted: |
Sep. 09, 1871 |
Patent Pictures:
James Fortune Cass patent September 9, 1871 |
CIPO Data Espacenet patent
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Stan Schulz Search Canadian Patents 1869-1894 1,135 in Canadian Patents Database
Description: |
"Self-selecting" nested square sockets for a brace or other driver handle. Push the wrench down, and the smaller sockets retract. Each socket has a separate compression spring; the sockets have a split corner or are made as paired halves to fit size variations.
The parallel U.S. patent is no. 108,330 issued October 18, 1870.
The inventor's occupation was "gentleman". |