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US Patent: 725,860
Traction Engine
Samuel S. Morton (exact or similar names) - York, York County, PA

USPTO Classifications:
180/368, 180/371, 476/20, 74/360

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam apparatus : steam traction engines


Morton Traction Co. - York, York County, PA

Robert L. Morton
Roy Anderson
J. A. Grisbauer, Jr.
R. G. Croc

Patent Dates:
Applied: May 19, 1902
Granted: Apr. 21, 1903

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
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The object of the invention is to provide a traction-engine with simple, durable, compact, and comparatively inexpensive driving-gear which may be easily and expeditiously shifted to change the speed of the traction- engine or to reverse its direction of movement without changing the speed of the motor or reversing it.


In a traction engine, the combination With a wheel-supported frame, of a driveshaft having a movement at an angle to its axis, variable gears fixed to said shaft, a driven shaft, variable gears supported thereby, and one movable laterally thereon, means for transmitting the movement from the driven shaft to the driving supporting-wheels of the traction engine, means for moving the driveshaft in a direction at right angles to its axis, and means for moving the laterally-movable variable gear.

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