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CA Patent: CA-380,482
John T. Hepburn (exact or similar names) - Toronto, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal lathes


John T. Hepburn, Ltd. - Mississauga, ON Canada


Patent Dates:
Granted: Apr. 04, 1939

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"Vintage Machinery" entry for John T. Hepburn, Ltd.
"This invention relates to new and useful improvements in lathes and the like and particularly to lathes which are used in the manufacture of shells. In manufacturing shells, they must be prepared to receive a copper band in their wall in proximity to their base. This consists in cutting a dovetailed recess in the wall and between the sides are a plurality of projections which are preferably parallel to one another but vary in distance from the sides of the recess. This operation is called waving... It is the object of this invention to provide simple and efficient means to perform this operation of cutting the dovetailed notch and the waving simultaneously in a comparatively short time with the minimum amount of exertion on the part of the operator..."

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