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CA Patent: CA-526,217
Adjustable Nut Spanner
Jerome Karel Mertens (exact or similar names) - unk., Netherlands

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench adjustment types : screw adjust wrenches

Garringtons Ltd. - Darlaston, Staffordshire, England

Garringtons Ltd. - Darlaston, Staffordshire, England

none listed

Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 12, 1956

Patent Pictures:
Jerome K. Mertens patent June 12, 1956
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
CA-526217 in ESPACENET
The patent focuses on a conical or "snail-shell" spiral worm adjuster and corresponding rack as applied to wrenches. In one version, the movable jaw includes a spring which holds the adjusting worm engaged with the rack and which can be compressed to allow free rapid movement of the adjustable jaw. The corresponding British patent GB-667,308 includes additional clamping applications.

The patent was used in THE GREBE adjustable spanner produced by Garringtons in Britain. Some of the details about the inventor appear in Ron Geesin's THE ADJUSTABLE SPANNER, based on the corresponding French patent.

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