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CA Patent: CA-163,522
Pipe Wrench
Improvements in Pipe Wrenches
Walter James Hamblin (exact or similar names) - Perth, Western Australia

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pipe wrenches : chain and strap wrenches


Not known to have been produced

F. W. Lane
M. C. Roche

Patent Dates:
Applied: Mar. 01, 1915
Granted: Jun. 29, 1915

Patent Pictures:
Walter James Hamblin patent June 29, 1915
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
163,522 in Canadian Patents Database
The focus of the patent is the rounded head, with catches for the chain which make the wrench operable in either direction. The patent elements shown in the Canadian Patents Database show the name of Hamblin's London patent attorneys.

As noted in the DATAMP entry for corresponding U.S. patent 1,104,730, an April 1922 announcement from the Hamblin Tool Mfg. Co. of Newark, NJ may reflect production of this wrench. In the absence of an illustration or actual example, the connection is speculation.

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