US Patent: 1,320,547
Edward F. Happensack (exact or similar names) - Cincinnati, OH |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
May 23, 1919 |
Granted: |
Nov. 04, 1919 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2 | 3
Edward F. Happensack patent Nov. 4, 1919 |
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Stan Schulz I.X.L. Chain Plier - 1919 ad edited
Description: |
Combination malleable iron "opening" and "crimping" action pliers type tool to manipulate "S" shaped wire links used in O. P. SCHRIVER Co. chain pumps, electric fixtures and the like. Marketed as the I.X.L. CHAIN PLIERS.
Another known examples: (1) marked LIGHTOLIER CO NY PATENT PEND'G // GUARANTEED CHAIN -- reflecting the electric light fixture chain application; (2) marked GLOBE METAL MFG. CO of Philadelphia; (3) marked "IXL CHAIN PLIERS PATENT" on the outside of the handles and "PEERLESS LIGHT CO. NO. 1765 // CHICAGO - N.Y. - FRISCO " on the inside surfaces of the handles -- These suggest Schriver made them for other companies as well.
A nearly identical stamped / folded sheet metal "tool" for the same purpose was granted patent no. 1,320,777 on the same date. |